Pax Galaktika

A Game of Galactic Conquest

Download Pax Galaktika Version 2.01 (Java)

Check out the Pax Online Guide for important information!

6-6-2010: Pax Galaktika Version 2.0 has been released!

New Features of Version 2.0

An AI module has been added to the game, so you can choose to include AI players in your game. They currently participate in every phase of the game except for market phase.

New targetting system has been implemented for battles with more than two combatants. You now have more fine-grained control with regard to which enemy combatant your damage is applied to.

Bug Fixes of Version 2.0

Too many bug fixes to list; there will likely be more to come as the AIs are tested in more varied conditions.

6-21-2009: Pax Galaktika Version 1.43 has been released!

New Features of Version 1.43

All new espionage rules have been implemented! You can read more about them in the updated Pax rules!

Starting the server requires you to enter the correct IP address of your router. This helps ease connection issues. There are many websites that you can use to find the IP of your router, such as: this.

Bug Fixes of Version 1.43

Stability upgrades, as usual.

9-27-2008: Pax Galaktika Version 1.42 has been released!

New Features of Version 1.42

All new espionage rules have been implemented! You can read more about them in the updated Pax rules!

Map interface improvements. You can now select active units by clicking on the Pax map, and you can move units by double-clicking on a valid space.

The Pax server can now run from behind a router!

The Pax client will start flashing if the user has not hit 'Done Phase' after a couple minutes, reminding them that they have not yet concluded their turn.

Bug Fixes of Version 1.42

Stability upgrades, as usual.

5-17-2008: Pax Galaktika Version 1.31 has been released!

New Features of Version 1.31

Small changes to increase the stability of the release.

Download the new computer Pax rules!

Bug Fixes of Version 1.31

A scrollbar has been added to the market window.

The IP entered when connecting is now being trimmed to remove excess spaces.

5-09-2008: Pax Galaktika Version 1.3 has been released!

New Features of Version 1.3

A drop-out button has been added.

The game will try to notify you if you haven't yet hit 'Done Phase'.

Ground units above enemy planets are no longer automatically unloaded from their transports at the end of space combat phase. Instead, you will be prompted to choose whether each unit should unload and invade.

Aesthetics changes with the unit displays.

Aesthetics changes to market phase offers to finally make them less ambiguous.

Adaptive adjectives are used in messages to describe battles.

Download the new computer Pax rules!

Bug Fixes of Version 1.3

You are now informed of all battles involving your empire when making defensive redeploy choices.

A bug with the 'Withdraw Offer' button in market phase has been fixed.

11-06-2007: Pax Galaktika Version 1.21 has been released!

New Features of Version 1.21

More aesthetics changes to the map.

Download the new computer Pax rules!

Bug Fixes of Version 1.21

Restarting the client during movement phase now seems to work properly.

11-04-2007: Pax Galaktika Version 1.2 has been released!

New Features of Version 1.2

Major Stability Upgrade!
-The server saves the state of the game at the end of every turn. This allows you to reload a game in progress.
-If an individual client encounters network issues, they can now restart their client and reconnect to the game.

Eco-Bombing has been replaced with Money Stealing.

The map of the galaxy has received a makeover.

Download the new computer Pax rules!

8-01-2007: Pax Galaktika Version 1.11 has been released!

New Features of Version 1.11

Rebalance of:
-Starting Conditions
-Planet Properties
-Space Station Costs

Download the new computer Pax rules!

Bug Fixes of Version 1.11

Returning a unit during production phase now restores industry to the proper planet.

Scrollpanes were added for the list of planets and units on the main status screens.

You can no longer drop ground forces before space battles unless you already own the planet you're dropping onto.

6-6-2007: Pax Galaktika Version 1.1 has been released!

New Features of Version 1.1

Thorough Rebalance of:
-Starting Conditions
-Planet Properties
-Unit Statistics
-Super Tech Thresholds

Download the new computer Pax rules!

A waiting window will now pop up during other PvP battles.

You may no longer build units when doing so would raise your total maintenance above your total economy.

Bug Fixes of Version 1.1

Space and Ground forces are repaired to full armor at the end of each combat phase.

It's no longer possible to receive a premonition regarding other player movements by waiting with the messages window.

Force transfer for loaded ground units has been fixed.

A scrollpane was added to the improvement window, in case someone happens to somehow carve out an empire larger than three planets.

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